
My teaching is object-based and complemented by a close analysis of primary sources – this includes providing professional translations when they are not available (see my Translations page). I guide students towards developing exceptional observational skills to achieve a nuanced understanding of art and architectural practice in the early modern period. In particular, my teaching interrogates the relationship between theory and practice, challenging historically engrained hierarchies between art forms and practitioners, and exposing the production of artistic and architectural knowledge.

Often considering these issues in terms of Italy’s exchanges with Northern Europe, the Byzantine world and contested territories of Asia Minor, this approach intends to bridge the historiographical gap between art and architectural history and reposition Italian Renaissance art history within a transcultural perspective. 

My forthcoming short course for the Courtauld (January-February 2025) highlights the architectural imagination of artists and their contribution to architectural practice at a historical juncture that saw the emergence of the architect as a new professional figure.

Courses I designed and taught in the past include:

Setting the Scene: Architecture and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Italy

University of Warwick

Carlo Crivelli, Annunciation with St Emidius, 1486. National Gallery, London. Wikimedia Commons

Artistic Encounters: Italy and the Byzantine Empire, 1261 – 1459

Courtauld Institute of Art (with Maria Alessia Rossi)

Left: Duccio, Maestà, detail, 1308-1311. Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Siena. Wikimedia Commons. Right: Virgin Eleousa, detail, 1315-1321. Kariye Camii, Constantinople.